What we have come to know as social media I believe is actually not as social as it presents itself, perhaps is more anti social. People appear to be more immersed in their phones than face to face interaction. I am not sure about it at all. I think we are entering an eerie social networking universe.
So this is the blog section of the website. I am going to call it the archive. The main reason being that I want a place to archive the Falling A story. I have a load of crates of recordings, press cuttings, pics that go back as far as those heady days of cassette culture and I think it would be appropriate to tell the story, whilst I still have some memory intact.
This blog will do more than that, though. It's an opportunity to be sketchpad of ideas, rants, raves, reflections and anything else I care to write about.
I will timeline the archive material on actual dates or as close to the dates that I can remember and anything current will be posted on the day it is written. I will make edits to some articles in which case I will place the edited dates at the foot of the article.
So, here's the official entry number one.
BL (edited 28/09/2020)