I know Ron Graves, he's a fan of Census Of Hallucinations and all things Stone Premonitions. I think he may have even collaborated with Census Of Hallucinations on one of their albums, I am not sure (really, I must brush up on my COH history). Ron has been a Falling A customer for a good number of years now. So when he sent me his CD and press release through the post quite simply as a gift, I felt compelled to give it a listen and give it a plug in my blog.
ReidGraves is a collaboration between Ron and David Reid. Ron is a performance poet, an aspiring novelist and has directed two short films. David Reid is an established musician as a member of the band, The Contrast.
This is their third album together and though I have not listened to either of the predecessors, I am going to check them out on the strength of this listen. They at times made me think of Eyeless In Gaza which is a little bit of synchronicity since I have an album by Martyn Bates on my desk at this moment and in the queue for review which Martyn also sent to me as a gift.
As I continued through the album there were moments that moved away from the psych, folk influenced sound to a much more gritty rock out with a guitar sound similar to the intensity of Husker Du. Aimee Reid adds an excellent different dimension to the vocals. The album weaves through a diverse musical landscape straddling the themes of love, loss, theology, mental illness and annoying insects. Lyrically thoughtful, clever and insightful, musically compelling with a very intriguing sound pallette. The album really delivers.
Find out more and check it out via the Secret Shark website
Sadly, a couple of days after I wrote this review, Ron Graves passed away.