If you are familiar with the music of Unfolk, you will know Alessandro and all that he brings to the table with his melting pot of musical disciplines and cultural fusion. Unfolk appeared on Miniatures with "Miniatura Luigi Russolo".
He takes you on a journey through a myriad of timbres and textures on this album. The beginning of the 5th track "Interference and dissonance" has similar sound and atmosphere to "Unlocked" (one of my own solo pieces) but somehow we have taken similar approaches and used similar tools over the years to create our soundscapes. There's a bit of a kindred spirit, though overall Alessandro pulls it off with much more musical skill and credibility than I have been able to do.
Much of the music on the album reminds me a lot of the cassette culture days, the work of Paul Kelday, New 7th Music and many others that were exploring all that synthesizers, rudimentary samplers or simply cutting up cassette tapes could offer. There are also moments that remind me a lot of the Third Ear Band.
Overall, the album is a compelling listen, at times hypnotic with moments of beauty and some really haunting soundscapes.
Discover more about the world of Alessandro Monti & Unfolk here:
Official website